Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
- B.A. 1968, Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- M.A. 1970, Experimental Psychology, The Ohio State University
- Ph.D. 1973, Human Performance/Human Factors Engineering (Depts. of Psychology and Industrial Engineering), The Ohio State University
- Highway safety: driver behavior, driver vision and information processing, accident analysis.
- Industrial safety: hazard perception, accident analysis
- Applied perception and visual search. Ergonomics: equipment/display design,human computer interaction, human reliability and information processing.
- Target detection and cueing in complex visual fields.Vehicle aids for maintaining safe headways. Alcohol drugs and driving. Symbolic highway signs: cultural and ergonomic factors in comprehension Aggressive driving: idividual differences and situational factors. Fatigue in driving: onset cues and utility of alertness maintaining tasks. Medical decision making under conditions of uncertainty and overload.
- see CV