Amiram, M., A.D. Haimovich, C. Fan, Y.S. Wang, H.R. Aerni, I. Ntai, D.W. Moonan, N.J. Ma, A.J.
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Evolution of translation machinery in recoded bacteria enables multi-site incorporation of nonstandard
amino acids. Nature Biotechnology, 2015. 33(12): p. 1272-1279.
Amiram, M., K.M. Luginbuhl, X.H. Li, M.N. Feinglos, and A. Chilkoti, Injectable protease-operated
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Amiram, M., K.M. Luginbuhl, X. Li, M.N. Feinglos, and A. Chilkoti, A depot-forming glucagon-like
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Amiram, M.*, F.G. Quiroz*, D.J. Callahan, and A. Chilkoti, A highly parallel method for synthesizing
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