Prof. Pesach Shwartzman

Prof. Pesach Shwartzman Profile

M.D. 1980

Division Head

Department : Community Health
Room : 610B
קומה 6 -קומת כיתות, מעבדות ומשרדים
Phone : 972-8-6479882
Email :
Office Hours :  
palliative care, pain, medical education, health systems administration


  • M.D. 1980

Research Projects

  • Pain measurement with transcranial direct current stimulatiion - Pain lab
  • Cancer pain research methodology

Research Topics

  • Palliative Care
  • Pain control
  • Medical education
  • Health system organization and evaluation

Publications and funding summary / representative publications and grants

  • Continuous medical education of primary care physicians in Israel. Israel National Institute for Health Services and Health Policy Research
  • Chronic Pain Costs - Clalit Health Services
  • Evaluation educational training models in palliative Care. UJA/Eshel
  • "Behind the Scenes" - Reasons for nn-compliance among high risk Bedouin patients. Israel National Institute for Health Services and Health Policy Research

Existing collaborations

  • Prof. David Shinar - Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management, BGU
  • Dr. Adi Ronen - Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management, BGU
  • Dr. Joshua Lipsitz - Dept. of Psychology, BGU
  • Dr. Russell K. Portenoy, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York

Suggested multi-disciplinary research project / research focus topics

  • Using smartphone applications for pain management
  • Intractable pain and trans cranial stimulation