Dr. Tomer Cooks

Dr. Tomer Cooks Profile

Senior lecturer
PhD 2010

Department : Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics
Room : 127
בנין מעבדות מחקר רפואה ע"ש דייכמן - פלאם
Phone : 972-8-6477279
Email : cooks@bgu.ac.il
Office Hours :  

Research Topics

Tumor Microenvironment

Extracellular vesicles

Mutations in p53

Cancer microbiome

Major expertise and techniques in the lab

Cell-cell communication setups
Primary human immune and cancer cell cultures
In-vivo cancer models
Isolation and characterization of extracellular vesicles

Publications and funding summary / representative publications and grants

Cooks T, Pateras IS, Jenkins LM, Patel KM, Robles AI, Morris J, Forshew T, Appella E, Gorgoulis VG, Harris CC. Mutant p53 cancers reprogram tumor associated macrophages via exosomal miR-1246. Nature Comm. 2018;9(1):771. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03224-w.


Greathouse LK, White JR, Vargas AJ, Bliskovsky VV, Beck JA, Von Muhlinen N, Polley E, Bowman ED, Robles AI, Khan MA, Robles AI, Cooks T, Ryan BM, Dzutsev AH, Trinchieri G, Pineda MA, Bilke S, Meltzer PS, Hokenstad AN, Stickrod TM, Walther-Antonio MR, Earl JP, Mell JC, Krol JE, Balashov SV, Bhat AS, Ehrlich GD, Valm A, Deming C, Conlan S, Oh J, Segre JA, Harris CC. Microbiome-TP53 Gene Interaction in Human Lung Cancer. Genome Biol. 2018;19(1):123. doi: 10.1186/s13059-018-1501-6.


Cooks T, Pateras IS, Tarcic O, Solomon H, Schetter AJ, Wilder S, Lozano GC, Pikarsky E, Forshew T, Rosenfeld N, Harpaz N, Itzkowitz S, Harris CC, Rotter V, Gorgoulis VG, Oren M. Mutant p53 Prolongs NF-?B Activation and Promotes Chronic Inflammation and Inflammation-Associated Colorectal Cancer. Cancer Cell. 2013; 23(5):634-46.


Existing collaborations

Lior Arazi, Ben-Gurion University

Vassilis Gorgoulis,Univerdity of Athens

Hien Dang, Thomas Jefferson University

Ioannis Pateras, University of Athens

Nir Peled, Soroka Cancer Center


Suggested multi-disciplinary research project / research focus topics

Lung cancer Microbiome
Exosome  mediate modulation of tumor microenvironment

Additional links