Associate Professor
PhD, 2008
Lysine methylation signaling and epigenetics |
- Postdoctoral fellow:
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Department of Biology, Advisor: Prof. Or Gozani. Epigenetic and Chromatin
- Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Department of molecular Genetics, Advisor: Prof. Yosef Shaul.
Decision making mechanisms for DNA-damage signaling
- Tel Aviv University, Israel
Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Advisor: Prof. Gil Ast.
- 1998-2001 B.Sc with Honors, Plant Science, the Hebrew University, Faculty of Agriculture, Jerusalem, Israel
Major subjects:
Agriculture, plant genetics and biotechnology.
- The goal of our research is to understand how lysine methylation through epigenetics mechanisms regulates oncogenic and cell differentiation processes.
- We apply biochemical, cellular, genomic and proteomics approaches to address fundamental questions in the intersection between chromatin biology and cell signaling.
- To characterize the biochemical and biological functions of SETD6
- To define the role of lysine methylation in modulating in a variety of biological processes and disease models, with the focus on oncogenic and cell differentiation processes.
- To identify new methylation on histone and non-histone proteins; define the molecular mechanisms by which these methyl marks are generated and transduced; to unravel the biological functions of the methylation events.
- To further develop peptide and protein microarrays technologies focusing on protein lysine methylation.
Major expertise and techniques in the lab