Senior lecturer
Ph.D, 2005
Health policy, Sociology of health |
- 2006-2008: Post-doctoral Fellow, Health Systems Management Department, Ben-Gurion University. Research topics: Defensive Medicine, Multiculturalism in Public Hospitals.
- 1995-2005: PhD at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine, majoring in Health Management (advisors: Prof. Avi Israeli and Prof. David Chinitz). Dissertation title: "Perceptions of organizational change in Israeli hospitals."
- 1989-1995: M.A. at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, majoring in Historic-Comparative Sociology, concentrating in Sociology of Health and Medicine (advisor: Prof. Judith T. Shuval). Dissertation title: "Professional commitment, self-identity and occupational absorption in the life-stories of immigrant physicians from the former Soviet Union in Israel."
- 1986-1989: B.A. at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology and School of Education.
- Research interests include health organizations management and policies, the impact of health systems reforms at micro-, meso-, and macro-levels, and health care personnel issues. Qualitative methodologies.
2013-present: Cooperation with Dr. Nitza Heiman-Neuman, Prof. Gabi Bin-Nun, and Dr. Michael Sherf on a research project related to physicians in the periphery.
2014-present: Cooperation with Dr. Nitza Heiman-Neuman, Prof. Tuvia Horev, and Dr. Kineret Oren on a research project related to the need for a gender adjusted policy in the training track and work patterns of hospital physicians.
2015-present: Cooperation with Prof. Limor Aharonson-Daniel and Prof. Mark Clarfield on a research project related to the definition of the needs of vulnerable community members towards ultimate care following a strong earthquake in Israel.
2015-present: Cooperation with Dr. Fany Yuval and Dr. Aviad Tur-Sinai on a research project related to food insecurity among the elderly.
- Sociology of Health and Illness
- Health Systems Organizations
- Qualitative Methodologies
Publications and funding summary / representative publications and grants
- Greenfield, G., J.S. Pliskin , P. Feder-Bubis, S. Wientroub, and N. Davidovitch. (2012). "Patient-physician relationships in second opinion encounters – the physician’s perspective." Social Science & Medicine 75(7): 1202-12.
- Aharonson -Daniel, L., C. Tannenbaum-Baruchi, and P. Feder-Bubis. (2012). "The health of deaf people" Lancet 379(9833): 2238-9 (Correspondence ).
- Gottlieb, N. and P. Feder-Bubis. (2014). "Dehomed: the impacts of house demolitions on the well-being of women from the unrecognized Bedouin-Arab villages in the Negev/Israel." Health and Place 29: 146–153.
- Zini, A., H.D. Sgan-Cohen, and P. Feder-Bubis. (2015). "Religious leaders’ opinions and guidance towards oral health maintenance and promotion: a qualitative study." Journal of Religion and Health 54(2): 373-386.
- Hagoel, L., G. Rennert, and P. Feder-Bubis. (2015). "Laypersons' views of material incentives for enhancing colorectal cancer screening." Health Expectations 18(5):1194-1203.
- Cohen, O., P. Feder-Bubis, Y. Bar-Dayan, and B. Adini-Wiesel. (2015)."Promoting public health legal preparedness for emergencies: Review of current trends and their relevance in light of the Ebola crisis." Global Health Action 8: 28871 -
- Hagoel, L., and P. Feder-Bubis. (2016). "Mind the cancer screening gap between medical rationale and laypeople reasoning." Journal of Internal Medicine doi: 10.1111/joim.12472.
- 2014-15: The Israel National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research. P. Feder-Bubis (PI), N. Heiman-Newman (PI), G. Bin-Nun, M. Sherf. "Physicians moving to the "periphery": the impact of the new wage agreement."
- 2015-16: Ministry of Science, Technology and Space. L. Aharonson-Daniel (PI), M. Clarfield (PI) and P. Feder-Bubis (PI). "Defining the needs of vulnerable community members towards ultimate care following a strong earthquake in Israel."
- 2015-17: The Israel National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research. P. Feder-Bubis (PI), N. Heiman-Newman (PI), T. Horev (CI), K. Oren (CI). "Men physicians are from Mars, women physicians are from Venus – Internal and Surgical specializations as test cases for the need for a gender adjusted policy in the training track and work patterns of hospital physicians."
- 2013-present: Cooperation with Dr. Nitza Heiman-Neuman, Prof. Gabi Bin-Nun, and Dr. Michael Sherf on a research project related to physicians in the periphery.
- 2014-present: Cooperation with Dr. Nitza Heiman-Neuman, Prof. Tuvia Horev, and Dr. Kineret Oren on a research project related to the need for a gender adjusted policy in the training track and work patterns of hospital physicians.
- 2015-present: Cooperation with Prof. Limor Aharonson-Daniel and Prof. Mark Clarfield on a research project related to the definition of the needs of vulnerable community members towards ultimate care following a strong earthquake in Israel.
- 2015-present: Cooperation with Dr. Fany Yuval and Dr. Aviad Tur-Sinai on a research project related to food insecurity among the elderly.
Suggested multi-disciplinary research project / research focus topics
- Cultural competence in health organizations
- The practice and implications of defensive medicine
- Health professions