Dr. Yael Raviv

Dr. Yael Raviv Profile

Senior lecturer
MD date: 1991, M.Sc-1986
Residency: Israel

Head of Unit

Department : Pneumology
Room :
Phone :
Email : yaelravi@post.bgu.ac.il
Office Hours :  


MD date: 1991

Research Topics

  • Clinical research-Lung Transplant
  • Obstructive lung disease-COPD and Asthma
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Interstitial Lung Diseases

Publications and funding summary / representative publications and grants

  • Raviv Y, Kramer MR, Amital A, Rubinovitch B, Bishara J, Shitrit D. Outbreak of aspergillosis infections among lung transplant recipients. Transpl Int 2007;20(2):135-40
  • Raviv Y, D'Ovidio F, Pierre A, Chaparro C, Freeman M, Keshavjee S, Singer LG. Prevalence of gastroparesis before and after lung transplantation and its association with lung allograft outcomes. Clin Transplant 2012;26(1):133-42

Existing collaborations

Ariel Kushmaro Department of biotechnology engineers-Microbiom among COPD patients
Multidisciplinary forum –TS and LAM (pediatric neurology)
Multidisciplinary forum-Tumor Board (Oncology ,Radiology)
Multidisciplinary forum-Immunology and Lung Disease