Dr. David Leiberman

Dr. David Leiberman Profile

Senior lecturer
MD, 1977

Department : Pneumology
Room :
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Email : Lieberma@bgu.ac.il
Office Hours :  

Publications and funding summary / representative publications and grants

1. Lieberman D, Schlaeffer F, Boldur I, Lieberman D, Horowitz S, Friedman MG et al.
Multiple pathogens in adult patients admitted with community-acquired pneumonia: a one year prospective study of 346 consecutive patients. Thorax 51:179-184, 1996.

2. Lieberman D, Porath A, Schlaeffer F, Lieberman D, Boldur I.
Legionella sp. community-acquired pneumonia: a review of 56 hospitalized adult patients.
Chest 109:1243-1249, 1996.

3. Lieberman D.
Chlamydia Pneumoniae Pneumonia In: Niederman, Sarousi, Glassroth (eds.), Respiratory Infections ( 2nd edition). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 2001 , p 437-444.

4. Lieberman D, Lieberman D, Printz S , Ben-Yaakov M, Lazarovich Z,  Ohana B, Friedman MG. , Dvoskin B , Leinonen M, Boldur I.
Atypical pathogen infection in adults with acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma .  Am J Respir Crit Care Med  167 : 406-410 , 2003.

5. Lieberman D,  Shimoni A , Shemer-Avni Y., Keren-Naus A , Steinberg R , Lieberman D.
Respiratory viruses in adults with community-acquired pneumonia. Chest 138:811-816 , 2010.