Prof. Danit Rivka Shahar

Prof. Danit Rivka Shahar Profile

Associate Professor
PhD, 1998

Department : Public Health
S. Daniel Abraham International Center for Health and Nutrition
Room : 506
בנין משרדי רפואה ע"ש אליה
Phone : 972-8-6477451
Email :
Office Hours :  
public health, nutrition, epidemiology, geriatrics, diet, congitive function, weight


  • University of Pittsburgh, USA

Research Interests

  • Geriatric Nutrition.

Research Topics

  • Nutrition Epidemiology
  • Nutritional status and health
  • Geriatric Nutrition (probiotics, weight, Mediterranean diet)

Major expertise and techniques in the lab

  • Dietary assessment tools
  • Nutritional databases

Publications and funding summary / representative publications and grants

  • Publications-since 2008
  • Israeli E, Merckel D, Constantini N, Yanovich R, Evans RK, Shahar D, Moran DS. Iron deficiency and the role of nutrition among female recruits. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2008;40(11 Suppl):S685-90. (role: research counseling, co-author, data analysis)
    IF=3.40 4/71 (Sports Sciences) cited-2 Q1
  • #German L, Feldblum I, Bilenko N, Castel H, Harman -Boehm I, Shahar DR. Depressive symptoms and nutritional risk factors among hospitalized elderly people. J Nutr Health and Aging. 2008;12(5):313-8. (role: study PI , data analysis, co-author and reviewer, students' mentor)
    IF=2.32 22/59 (Nutrition) cited-31 Q2
  • #Ezion-Daniel Y, Constantini N, Finestone AS, Shahar DR, Israeli E, Yanovich R, Moran DS. Nutrition Consumption of Female Combat Recruits in Army Basic Training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2008;40(11 Suppl):S677-84. (role: research counseling, co-author, data analysis, student's mentor )
    IF=3.40 4/71 (Sports Sciences) cited-1 Q1
  • Shai I, Schwarzfuchs D, Henkin Y, Shahar DR, Witkow S, Greenberg I, Golan R, Fraser D, Bolotin A, Vardi H, Tangi-Rozental O, Zuk-Ramot R, Sarusi B, Brickner D, Schwartz Z, Sheiner E, Marko R, Katorza E, Thiery J, Fiedler JM, Bl?her M, Stumvoll M, Stampfer MJ. A Two-Year weight loss trial of Low-Carb, Mediterranean, and Low-Fat Diets. N Engl J Med. 2008;359(3) 229-241. (role: diet group leader, co-author)
    IF=50.02 1/107 (Medicine) cited-740 Q1
  • The paper has been ranked as the '' 10 most important stories at 2008" in "The Heart"
  • Khokhar, S, Gilbert, PA, Moyle, CWA., Carnovale, E, Shahar, DR, Ngo, J, Saxholt, E, Ireland, J, Jansen-van der Vliet, M, Bellemans, M. Harmonized procedures for producing new data on the nutritional composition of ethnic foods. Food Chemistry. 2009; 113:816–824. (role: collaborator in a work package of FP-6 EUROFIR project, co-author, data design/analysis)
    IF= 3.46 13/70 (Nutrition) cited-11 Q1
  • Shahar DR, Yu B, Houston DK, Kritchevsky SB, Lee JS, Rubin SM, Sellmeyer DE, Tylavsky FA, Harris TB, for the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study . Dietary factors in relation to daily activity energy expenditure and mortality among older adults. J Nutr Health and Aging. 2009; 13(5):414-20.
    IF=2.32 22/59 (Nutrition) cited-7 Q2
  • #Feldblum I, German L, Bilenko N, Shahar A, Enten R, Greenberg D, Harman-Boehm I, Castel H, Shahar DR. Nutritional risk and health care use prior to and following an acute hospitalization among the elderly. Nutrition. 2009; 25(4):415-20. (role: study PI, co-author and reviewer, student's mentor )
    IF=2.60 23/59 (Nutrition) cited-14 Q2
  • Shahar DR, Henkin Y, Rozen SG, Adler D, Levy O, Safra C, Itzhak B, Golan R, Shai I. A controlled intervention study of changing health-providers' attitude towards personal life-style habits and health-promotion skills. Nutrition. 2009; 25(5):532-9.
    IF=2.60 23/59 (Nutrition) cited-5 Q2
  • Melzer I, Kurz I, Shahar DR, Oddson LIE. Predicting Falls in the Elderly: Comparison of Voluntary Step Reaction Times in Fallers and Nonfallers – A Prospective Study. Letter to the editor. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009; 57(4):743-5. (role: study PI, data design/analysis)
  • IF=3.66 1/25 (Gerontology) Q1
  • #Shahar DR, Levi M, Kurtz I, Shany S, Zvili I, Mualleme E, Shahar A, Sarid O, Melzer I. Nutritional status in relation to balance, gait, and falls in the elderly. Ann Nutr Metab. 2009;54(1):59-66.
    IF=2.17 35/59 (Nutrition) cited-12 Q3
  • Abu-Saad K, Shahar DR, Abu-Shareb H, Vardy H, Bilenko N, Fraser D. Assessing Individual Dietary Intake from Common-Plate Meals: A New Tool for an Enduring Practice. Public Health Nutr. 2009; 1:1-9. (role: paper design, coauthor and reviewer)
    IF=2.12 27/59 (Nutrition) cited-4 Q2
  • Shahar DR, Yu B, Houston DK, Kritchevsky SB, Lee JS, Newman AB, Sellmeyer DE, Tylavsky, FA, Mackey D, Harris TB. For the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study . Factors associated with misreporting of energy intake in the elderly using doubly labeled water to measure total energy expenditure and weight change. J Am Coll Nutr. 2010; 29: 14-24.
    IF=2.16 25/59 (Nutrition) cited-3 Q3
  • Melzer I, Kurz I, Shahar DR, Oddson LIE. “Do voluntary step reactions under dual task condition have an added value over single task for fall prediction”–A Prospective Study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2010; 22:360-366. (role: study PI , data design/analysis)
    IF=1.0 (Gerontology) 25/36 Q4
  • Sarid O, Shahar DR, Kurz, I, Melzer, I, Ruch, W. Volunteering Activity, Exercise and Mood States among the elderly. Clinical Gerontologist. 2010;33:270-282. (role: study PI, paper drafting, data design/analysis)
  • Cited-5
  • Shahar A, Patel KV, Semba RD, Bandinelli S, Shahar DR, Ferrucci L, Guralnik JM. Plasma selenium is positively related to performance in neurological tasks assessing coordination and motor speed. Mov Disord. 2010 15;25(12):1909-15. (role: co-author, reviewer, data design/analysis)
    IF=4.6 24/193 (Clinical Neurology) cited-8 Q1
  • #Greenberg I , Kachal Y, Enten RS, Shahar DR. Dietary Lutein and Zeaxanthin in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration in the elderly. Current Nutrition & Food Science. 6(3); 2010 (role: student's mentor, paper design, reviewer)
  • Abu-Saad K, Shahar DR, Vardi H, Fraser D. Importance of ethnic foods as predictors of and contributors to nutrient intake levels in a minority population. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010;64 Suppl 3:S88-94. (role: collaborator in a work package of FP-6 EUROFIR project, paper design, data analysis)
    IF=3.10 17/59 (Nutrition) cited-3 Q2
  • Khokhar S, Marletta L, Shahar DR, Farre R, Ireland JD, Jansen-van der Vliet M, De Henauw S, Finglas P; Participants of EuroFIR Ethnic Foods Work Package. New food composition data on selected ethnic foods consumed in Europe. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010;64 Suppl 3:S82-7. (role: collaborator in a work package of FP-6 EUROFIR project, paper design, data analysis)
    IF=3.10 17/59 (Nutrition) cited-2 Q2
  • Shahar DR, Schwarzfuchs D, Fraser D, Vardi H, Thiery J, Fiedler JM, Bl?her M, Stumvoll M, Stampfer MJ, Shai I. Dairy calcium intake, serum vitamin D and successful weight loss. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 92(5):1017-22.
    IF=6.30 3/59 (Nutrition) cited-34 Q1
  • #Feldblum I, German L, Castel H, Harman-Boehm I, Shahar DR. Individualized nutritional intervention during and following hospitalization: The NIS clinical trial. J Am Geriatr Soc. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2011; 59(1):10-7. (role: study PI, student's mentor, paper design and drafting)
    IF=3.66 1/25 (Gerontology) cited-28 Q1
  • Endevelt R, Lamberger J, Bregman Y, Kowen G, Fecht I, Lander H, Karpati T, Shahar DR. Intensive dietary intervention by a dietitian as a case manager among community dwelling older adults: The EDIT study. J Nutr Health and Aging. 2011; 15(8):624-30. (role: study PI, data design/analysis, paper drafting, reviewer)
    IF=2.32 22/59 (Nutrition) Q2
  • Canfi A, Gepner Y, Schwarzfuchs D, Golan R, Shahar DR, Fraser D, Witkow S, Greenberg I, Sarusi B, Vardi H, Friger M, Stampfer MJ, Shai I. Effect of changes in the intake of weight of specific food groups on successful body weight loss during a multi dietary strategy intervention trial. J Am Coll Nutr. 2011; 30(6):491-501. (role: co-author, reviewer, data design/analysis)
    IF=2.16 25/59 (Nutrition) cited-1 Q3
  • #Manof A, Enten R, Vardi H, Shahar DR. Differences in dietary consumption patterns and obesity rates between immigrants from the former USSR and a country’s native population. International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health. 2011;4(2/3/4):119-130. (role: study PI, student's mentor, paper design and drafting, data analysis)
  • #German L, Kahana C, Rosenfeld V, Zabrowsky I, Wiezer Z, Fraser D, Shahar DR. Depressive symptoms are associated with food insufficiency and nutritional deficiencies in poor community-dwelling elderly people. J Nutr Health and Aging. 2011;15(1):3-8. (role: study PI, co-author, reviewer, data design/analysis, student's mentor(
    IF=2.32 (Nutrition) 22/59 cited-12 Q2
  • Zaharoni H, Rimon E, Vardi H, Friger M, Bolotin A, Shahar DR. Probiotics improve bowel movements in hospitalized elderly patients -The PROAGE study. J Nutr Health and Aging. 2011;15(3):215-20. (role: student's mentor, paper drafting, reviewer, data design/analysis(
    IF=2.32 22/59 (Nutrition) cited-12 Q2
  • *#Kaufman-Shriqui V, Fraser D, Novack Y, Bilenko N, Vardi H , Abu-Saad K,Elhadad N, Feine Z, Mor K, Shahar DR. Maternal weight misperceptions and smoking are associated with overweight and obesity in low SES preschoolers. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012;66(2):216-23. (role: study PI, student's mentor, paper design and drafting)
    IF=3.10 17/59 (Nutrition) Q2
  • *Abu-Saad K, Shahar DR, Fraser D, Vardi H, Friger M, Bolotin A, Freedman LS. Adequacy of usual dietary intake and nutritional status among pregnant women in the context of the nutrition transition: The DEPOSIT Study. B J Nutr. 2012; 23:1-10. (role: co-author, reviewer, data design/analysis)
    IF=3.10 19/72 (Nutrition) cited-3 Q1
  • * Khokhar S , Oyelade OJ , Marletta L , Shahar D R, Ireland J , de Henauw S . Vitamin composition of ethnic foods commonly consumed in Europe. Food Nutr Res. 2012;56. Epub 2012 Apr 2.
    IF=0.7 cited-1
  • *#Shahar DR, Houston DK, Hue T, Lee JS, Sahyoun R, Geva D, Vardi H, Tylavsky, FA, Harris TB. Adherence to Mediterranean diet and decline in walking speed over 8 years among community-dwelling older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012;60(10):1881-8.
    IF=3.66 1/25 (Gerontology) Q1
  • *Khokhar S, Gardu?o-Diaz SD, Marletta L, Shahar DR, Ireland JD, Jansen-van der Vliet M, de Henauw S. Mineral composition of commonly consumed ethnic foods in Europe. Food Nutr Res. 2012;56. (role: paper design, data analysis)
  • *Shai I, Erlich D, Cohen AD, Urbach M, Yosef N Levy O, Shahar DR. The effect of personal lifestyle intervention among health care providers on their patients and clinics; The Promoting Health by Self Experience (PHASE) randomized controlled intervention trial. Preventive Medicine, 2012; 55(4):285-91.
  • (role: study PI, paper design and drafting).
    IF=3.22 20/153 (Medicine) Q1
  • *#Kaufman-Shriqui V, Fraser D, Novack Y, Bilenko N, Vardi H , Abu-Saad K,Elhadad N, Feine Z, Mor K, Shahar DR. Factors associated with childhood overweight and obesity among acculturated and new immigrants. Ethn
  • Dis.2013; 23(3):329–335. (role: study PI, paper design and drafting).
    IF=1.12 114/161. Q3
  • *#Kaufman-Shriqui V, Werbeloff N, Faroy M, Meiri G, Shahar DR, Fraser D, Novack Y, Bilenko N, Vardi H, Elhadad N, Pietrzak P, Harpaz-Rotem I. Posttraumatic stress disorder among preschoolers exposed to ongoing missile attacks in the Gaza War. Depress Anxiety. 2013; 30(5):425-31. (role: study PI, paper design and drafting).
    IF=4.18, 22/135 (Psychiatry) Q1
  • *Requena T, Cotter P, Shahar DR, Kleiveland CR, Carmen M,
  • Mart?nez-Cuesta CM, Pel?ez C, Tor L. Interactions between gut microbiota, food and obese host. Trends in Food Science and Technology (TIFS). 2013; 34 , 44e53
    IF=4.14 5/124 (Food Science & Technology) Q1
  • *# Zbeida M, Goldsmith R, Shimony T, Vardi H, Naggan L, Shahar DR. Mediterranean diet and functional indicators among older adults in non-Mediterranean and Mediterranean countries. J Nutr Health and Aging. 2014; 18(4):411-8.
    IF=2.32 22/59 (Nutrition) Q2
  • #* Entin A, Kaufman-Shriqui V*, Naggan L, Vardi H, Shahar DR. Parental feeding practices in relation to low diet quality and obesity among LSES children. J Am Coll Nutr. J Am Coll Nutr. 2014; 3:1-9.
    IF=2.16 25/59 (Nutrition) Q3
  • #*Geva D, Shahar DR, Harris T, Tepper S, Molenberghs G, Friger M. Snapshot of statistical methods used in geriatric cohort studies: How do we treat missing data in publications? Int J of Stat in Medical Res . 2013; 289-296.
  • #*Tepper S, Shahar DR, Geva D, Avizohar O, Nodelman M,. Segal E, Ish-Shalom S. Identifying the threshold for vitamin D insufficiency in relation to cardiometabolic markers. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases. 2014; 24(5):489-94.
    IF=3.98 Q1 (Nutrition)
  • #*Kaufman-Shriqui V, Entin A, *, Novack L, Bilenko N, Vardi H, Elhadad N, Shahar DR. Development and validation of a Food Frequency Questionnaire for preschool children using multiple methods. Int J of Child Health and Nutrition. 2013;4(2):364-76.
  • #* Tepper S, Shahar DR, Geva D, Ish-Shalom S. Predictors of serum 25(OH)D increase following bimonthly supplementation with 100,000 IU vitamin D in healthy men aged 25-65 years. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2014;144 Pt A:163-6.
    IF=3.98 Q2 (Endocrinology)
  • * Koyama A, Ayonayon H, Houston D, Lee JS, Rosano C, Satterfield S, Shahar DR, Simonsick E, Yaffe K. Association Between the Mediterranean Diet and Cognitive Decline in a Biracial Population. J. Gerontol. Ser. A-Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2014; 70(3):352-7.
    IF=4.13 6/47 Q1
  • *Bordoni A, Danesi F, Dardevet D, Gille D, Fernandez AS, Santos C, Pinto P, Re R, Remond D, Shahar DR, Vergeres G. Dairy Products and Inflammation: A Review of the Clinical Evidence. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. In Press. 2014.
    IF=5.5 4/78 Q1
  • *#Safran Naimark J, Madar Z, Shahar DR. The impact of a newly developed web application ( eBalance) in promoting healthy lifestyle : A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2015; 17(3).
    IF=4.7 1/24 Q1
  • *Shmilovitz, I, Bergerzon-Biton O, Ginzburg Y, Irina Zwecker-Lazar I, Wechsler H, Shahar A, Shahar DR, Wasserman D. The impact of a newly developed multi-disciplinary protocol for weaning from enteral to oral nutrition on weight maintenance. Gerontology. 2014; (4) 31-43. (Hebrew).

Existing collaborations

  • Tamara Harris-National Institute on Aging (NIA, USA)
  • Sofia Ish-Shalom ( Rambam Israel)
  • Michal Beeri and Ramit Ravona (Tel- Hashomer Israel)

Suggested multi-disciplinary research project / research focus topics

  • Dietary factors in Sarcopenia
  • Diet and cognitive function

Looking for expertise / project

  • Probiotics in the elderly, Sarcopenia, Cognitive physical functioning, dietary supplements