Ariel Simkin completed
Ariel Simkin, an Alpha student, successfully completed his digital pathology project. He worked on processing H&E stained whole slide images to classify ER status.
AIME 2024
PhD student Kartheeswaran Thangathurai attended the 22nd AIME Conference 2024 in Utah, USA. The leading international scientific event related to artificial intelligence in medicine. The conference received a total of
The Rubin Lab participated in the IDSAI conference held at the Elma Arts Complex in Zichron Ya’acov, Israel, from June 2-4, 2024. The Principal Investigator, Professor Eitan Rubin, presented his
Michael’s Awarding Ceremony
The Alpha student Michael Scherter from Rubin’s Lab was awarded his certificate. The Rubin Lab wishes him all the best and outstanding future achievements.
Visiting Researcher at Helmholtz
PhD student Kartheeswarn was selected as a Visiting researcher at the Institute of Computational Biology, Helmholtz-Munich. He will be investigating on gene interactions models with machine-learning techniques
The Rubin Lab won a DSRC Grant from BGU
Prof Eitan Rubin and Dr. Nadav Rappaport won The Data Science Research Center (DSRC) grant from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev to investigate the application of Prior knowledge in finding
A Lab party
A lab party organised by Yan and Roy for their graduation
Congratulations Dr. Roy Moscona
Congratulations Dr. Roy Moscona for your successful completion of a PhD at The Rubin Lab. We are proud of your achievement. We wish all the very best for your PostDoc
Congratulation Ohad Landau
PhD student of our Lab, Ohad Landau, successfully completed his PhD proposal examination. Ohad Landau working on Drug responses, ranking drug response prediction algorithms to build a trial-optimizing mechanism for