
Title Year Collaborators Funding agencies Duration
Israeli Cancer Association,
Rubin, E. (equal PIs)
Israeli Cancer Association, Mishmar,
2 year,
Discovering new diagnostic markers from common recurrent fixed mutations in the human mitochondrial genome
National Institute of Biotechnology, Mishmar
D. & Rubin, E. (equal PIs)
1 Year
Novel Pathways of Brain-Immune Interactions: Implications For Aging And Neurodegenerative Diseases
National Institute of Biotechnology, Monsenego
A. and Rubin, E. (equal PIs)
1 year
New methods for multidimensional marker identification
Rubin, E. (PI)
National Institute of Biotechnology
2 years
Building standards and an open database for case reports in precision oncology
5. 2014-2015
Rubin, E. and Haviv, E. (PIs)
Israeli Cancer Association
2 year
FOHS internal grant for preliminary studies
Rubin E., Porgador A. and Shaco-Levy, R. (PIs)
FOHS internal grant for preliminary studies
2 year
Testing for a connection between platelet-measures from routine blood tests and suicidal ideation in IDF soldiers
Rubin, E. (PI), Gold, N. (PI), Ragolsky M. (PI)
Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)
2 years
The Israel Leukemia Registry: integration of an AML clinical database with personalized ex vivo and invivo validated single-cel, characteristics to improve prognosis
Micxhael Danilnko, Eitan Rubin, Michael Milyavsky and Mordechai Deutsch
Isreali Program for Precision Medicine (IPMP
4 years
Integrated computational-experimental methodology for predicting and ranking drug efficacy in precision oncology
Angel Porgador, Amir Onn and Eitan Rubin
Israeli Science Foundation (ISF)
4 years
Using prior knowledge to reduce the search space for finding novel associations for Neurodegenerative disorders.
2023 – 2024
Rubin, E. (PI). Nadav Rappaport
The Data Science Research Center (DSRC), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
1 Year