Congratulation Ohad Landau

PhD student of our Lab, Ohad Landau, successfully completed his PhD proposal examination. Ohad...


Kartheesawaran and Shai Mgidi from the Rubin lab presented posters at the 18th International...

AI in Medicine

Prof. Eitan Rubin gave a special talk on AI in Medicine for the Virology Department of Sheba Medical...

The Win Symposium 2022

Prof. Eitan Rubin, PI of the Rubin Lab, Hila Ventura, a Post-doc, Shai Magidi and Kartheeswaran, a...

The DKFZ Cancer resarh team of Prof. Stefan Wiemann visited the Lab

The team of PhD students and post-docs visited the lab and had a mutual sharing of projects and...

WIN Consortium Symbosium 2022

The WIN consortium is organizing the annual symposium after two years. WIN members collaboratively...

Michael Schreter Joined to the Lab

An Alpha project student Michael Schreter joined the lab for his project on Whole Exome Analysis...

Department Meeting of

PI of the lab Prof. Eitan Rubin joined to the department meeting of  ​The Shraga Segal Department of...

IDSI Cloud Computing Grant 10000 USD

A grant of 10000 USD was received from the Israeli Data Science Initiative (IDSI) to the finding the...