
Our current efforts are focused on understanding the following molecular and cellular mechanisms:

  1. Characterization of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) as a potential therapeutic target for ALS (Israelson et al, 2015 Neuron; Leyton et al, 2016 PNAS; Shvil et al, 2018 Cell Death & Dis; Alaskarov et al, 2022 Sci. Rep.)
  2. Approaches to gene modulation therapy for ALS (Leyton et al, 2019 PNAS)
  3. Nucleocytoplasmic transport dysfunction in SOD1 ALS
  4. Mitochondrial dysfunction in ALS pathogenesis (Israelson et al, 2010 Neuron; Li et al, 2010 PNAS; Shteinfer et al, 2019 Front. Cell Neurosci; Shteinfer et al, 2022 Int. J. Mol. Sci.)
  5. The effect of T lymphocytes in ALS pathogenesis
  6. Characterization of new antibodies for misfolded SOD1 (Bakavayev et al, 2021 ACS Chem. Neurosci.; Bakavayev et al, 2023 Brain)
  7. Characterization of new molecular chaperones for misfolded SOD1 (Getter et al, 2015 ChemMedChem.; Alfahel et al, 2022 Int. J. Mol. Sci.; Ribeiro et al, 2023 Biol. Chem.)
  8. Characterization of different empty and loaded nanoparticles and nanovesicles as a possible therapeutic strategy for ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases (Leyton et al, 2020 Sci. Rep.)